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Images of Litter in Sean Walsh Park in Tallaght

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Sean Walsh Park is constantly under assault by people that deliberately dump all types of rubbish and junk in the park. In addition the park also suffers from thoughtless and careless littering on a daily basis. The Tallaght Litter Mugs have retrieved all manner of items deliberately dumped all over the park, particularly in the water ways. We have removed car and bicycle wheels and tyres, car parts, bicycles, children's scooters, skate boards, toys, various furniture items including a double bed mattress, baby's buggys, an enormous teddy bear, traffic cones and traffic signs, clothing and footwear, a large number of supermarket shopping trolleys, and every type of domestic household waste. Clearly Sean Walsh Memorial Park suffers severely from deliberate destination dumping.

A litter mug

The Tallaght Litter Mugs do their best to make sure that the park looks it's best however it's an ongoing struggle. If you'd like to volunteer to help us with our efforts to keep our park in pristine condition please check out the details of the next Sean Walsh Park clean-up.

email us for more details

Assorted rubbish dumped in Sean Walsh Park
Assorted rubbish dumped in Sean Walsh Park
Smashed bottles in Sean Walsh Park
Smashed bottles in Sean Walsh Park
Rubbish dumped at the recycling centre in Sean Walsh Park
Rubbish dumped at the recycling centre in Sean Walsh Park
Rubbish gathered at the grille on the Whitestown Stream
Rubbish gathered at the grille on the Whitestown Stream
Dog faeces in a bag hanging from a tree in Sean Walsh Park
Strange fruit hanging from a tree in Sean Walsh Park
Swans swimming ina heavily polluted Whitestown Stream
A polluted Whitestown Stream. Is this how it got it's name?
Full rubbish bins in Sean Walsh Memorial Park
Litter bins stuffed to the gills remain un-emptied in
An un-emptied litter bin in Sean Walsh Park
 Sean Walsh Park. Unfortunately it's a regular occurrence.

More clean-up images


Litter Mugs Home - Tallaght Litter Mugs - Litter in Sean Walsh Park - Images of Sean Walsh Park - Green Flag Sean Walsh Park
Don't Feed Bread to Ducks - Litterati App - Sean Walsh Park - Clean-up Sean Walsh Park  - Litter Mug Challenge - Tallaght Tree Trail
April 2017 Clean-up Sean Walsh Park - May 2017 - June 2017 - July 2107 - August 2017 - September 2017 - October 2017
Sensory Garden - McDonald's Ad in SWP - Tallaght Men's Shed - Tallaght Flag - Tallafest - Media Coverage - Litter Mug Safety Notice